The Ôcybelles , discover our biological natural swimming pool. Located at the heart of a natural wooded area between the villages of Saint Laurent de Neste and Nestier, the Ôcybelles natural swimming...4 June 2019
An outstanding site located at the heart of the Pyrénées between 1600 and 1800m that offers a ski area with exceptional snow cover, many attractions, relaxing and sliding sport areas with unique views on the Pyrénées...4 June 2019
Enjoy a unique, playful and prehistoric experience with Nestploria and the prehistoric Caves of Gargas ! Will you find,with the help of digital technology, the millenary secrets of the 200 stencilled handprints in the famous Caves of Gargas? Both real and digital, this adventure in time for...4 June 2019
Nos séjours Printemps été automne
Nos séjours groupes
Nos séjours hiver
Nistos ski, Le Domaine des Dieux !
Maison des sourcesMauléon-Barousse
Visitez les grottes de Gargas et Nesplori@
Les OcybellesBaignade naturelle et biologique
Sentiers de randonnée
Découvrons ensemble notre territoire ...
Visitez le château de Bramevaque
Notre patrimoine Naturel
Passeport pour l'aventure verticale !
- (+33) 05 62 99 21 30 tourisme@neste-barousse.fr or by our form
- Aventignan (Grottes de Gargas)Saturday from 1:30pm to 5:30pm.
- SarpMonday to Friday from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm and from 2:00pm to 5:00pm. National days closed..
- Saint-Laurent de NesteMonday 2:00pm to 5:00pm. Tuesdau to Friday from 9:00am to 12:30pm and from 2:00pm to 5:00pm. Closed national days.
Actualités des partenaires
Thu 30 Jan, 2025
Grottes de Gargas
Grottes de Gargas
Sat 08 Feb, 2025
Grottes de Gargas
Grottes de Gargas
Mon 10 Feb, 2025
Station de Nistos
Station de Nistos
Sun 09 Mar, 2025
Grottes de Gargas
Grottes de Gargas